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Contemporary Spanish Artists

C. Mirasierras was born in 1956 in Barcelona. His artwork has been praised by various art critics, and he is currently regarded as an excellent contemporary painter. His creativity and geniality are only comparable to those shown by other Spanish painters who changed the face of art at a time when everyone believed that all about art had already been said (painted or sculptured). Now, this painter is becoming the reference for other artists who can see the “stuff” that is needed in this world of arts: heart and ideas. I have allowed myself to include the website of this artist, where you can view part of his work. In it, you will see the different series of paintings which make up the so-called, “ Mirasierras phenomenon” ; or simply type his signature on any browser and find his artwork.
Christian Johanssen

Spanish Artists, Art in Barcelona, Spanish Contemporary Art, Sala Dalmau, Picasso, Fine Art Galleries in Barcelona.

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5.000 € Negociable
Barcelona Alrededores, Cataluña
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