WTS: Pioneer DJM 800 4 Channel Pro Dj mixer
We are putting this notice to the general public and to showcase our products, we sell several models / brands of DJ Equipment and Musical Instruments of equipment ranging from DJ, DVD and CD players, DJ Mixer others.Our between the prices are very reasonable because they offer products for the wholesale / factory prices. Shipping costs are moderate and
affordable for everyone to buy.
Discounts occur in the large orders and orders are delivered throughout the world.
Here is a preview of a price list of some of the products we sell ...
Pioneer CDJ-1000 CD Player Pioneer CMX-3000 Twin CD Player, Pioneer CDJ-800 CD Player, Pioneer CDJ-1000MK2, Pioneer CDJ-800MK2 Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3,
Pioneer CDJ-500 CD-Player Pioneer DJM-1000 Pioneer DJM-800, Pioneer DJM-600 Mixer, Pioneer DJM-3000 19

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